Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chapter 1 How Education is Changing

Education is changing and so is technology. Technology changes everyday which requires education to also change. The chapter begins by discussing how technology has made a great impact in people's lives. Technology is very beneficial in that it is used as an educational tool. For example, in one of the stories told a boy dropped out of high school but he still took online courses to get various accredit ions from Microsoft and Cisco. He was successful in that, and this enabled him to get a job in the programming department of a large bank. People everywhere are driving their education out of schools into their homes, workplaces, and etc.. which allows them to decide what they want to learn, when they want to learn, and how they want to learn. Technology has changed so that people of all ages can pursue learning on their own terms. On the downside, public schools are facing a crisis because the public is demanding higher standards with policies that limit the the different learning opportunities. The best teachers are also leaving high poverty schools because they can make more money and respect in different districts. A new education system is forming with a variety of new learning alternatives. We are now going through an Information Revolution or Knowledge Revolution.This Revolution is fueled by personal computers, Internet, and cell phones. Occupations have changed dramatically because of the Revolution. Such as, the job of a farmer has changed from plowing and harvesting to them operating machinery and marketing their goods. "The computerization of work puts a premium on skills of accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information (pg. 5;Ch.1; Rethinking Education)." I believe that modern technologies have been changing but this is a positive advancement. Computers guide people in the workplace and train them. Although schools have not necessarily adapted to the change of technologies and have kept to the digital technologies, I believe, as a future business technology teacher, that I will be teaching about these new technologies. I do think the way students learn is changing but I do not think this will have a negative impact on society. Technologies will create more opportunities and by teaching about them and having students interact with them, I believe that this will lead them to a great career early on.
-Chelsea Lucas


  1. Going into office administration, I feel that the advancement in technology has been beneficial to office settings around the world. Technology is great to have because the ability to train more people on the job in a consistent manner is now available. I do agree that technology will create more opportunities for education, and it will also advance all businesses in general.
    April Johnson

  2. As a person going into instructional technology and design, I do believe that technology is changing in a good and can be more beneficial. Technology is changing and being used in so many ways now. I completely agree that technology has been a way to create more opportunites in different ways such as: in the education field, workplace, and in businesses all over the world.
    Britan Dickey

  3. In my endeavor to to pursue a degree in Instructional Technology, I realized that I must understand and grasp the need to change and educate myself in this technical revolution. I noticed in Chapter One, I read about all the different people who went beyond education in a traditional classroom, but i also realize that many got the basics from a classroom. I too, fear what will happen to the traditional classroom as technology progress even more. I agree, technology create more opportunities in the workplace, but at the same time I fear it will make us too dependent on it, and we forget how to function properly without. For example, how many of us would be loss without our cellphones and the phonebook is lost. How many phone numbers do we actually remember without our handy dandy phonebooks in our cell phones. We have just created a lazy memory. Just think about it, we become to dependent on technology.

    Amelia Mosley
