Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chapter 8 Reflection

April Johnson
Chapter 8 Reflection

            In reading this chapter, I felt that it related to me personally.  I learn by doing hands on work.  In high school it was mostly reading and writing papers. History and science were my most challenging subjects.  I discovered that when I took my Allied Health, mathematics, and computer courses, I responded well because these subjects involved me using my hands to figure and learn different techniques.  Chapter 8 discusses how to incorporate technology into the school system.  Our schools are behind because the children now are more technology oriented.  They watch TV, play video games, chat, listen to music, and much more.  The use of hands on learning is big in time now because it is used everywhere but in schools.

            The big issue with people today is that they are worrying about changing the way schooling is done period.  That is impossible as well as unnecessary stress to those who come up with different curriculum. I agree that the school should be reshaped rather that redefined. Technology is an enhancer to education. When I was in high school, I wished all of my classes, especially history and technology, could have incorporated my interests like allied health did. The chapter suggested that standardized tests be reshaped into tests that relate to the child’s interest. I admit that it took me so long to figure out a major because I was not guided in high school to explore my interest. Only the fundamentals were taught there in advanced classes.

            I believe that Preschool up until middle school should focus on the fundamentals, with the incorporation of technology of course. The certificate idea in the book really made sense to me because it is focusing on the child’s interest and what they want to be in life.  This method can guide every high school student in the way that they want to go. There are vocational schools at different high schools, but I truly would like to see the vocational school expand to many more areas, so students will not feel confined to learn things that do not interest them. I’m not saying that the core courses are not important.  True there must be a time where the original classroom setting must take place.  However, I do not believe that students should be confined to just this one method throughout their high school years.  If this continues to take place, then our children are being set up for failure in college.  Just as it took me five years to figure out what I enjoy doing, it may take others longer.

            In conclusion,  I favor the performance based assessment. Instead of wasting time doing work that does not interest them, students can take that time a perfect it by doing work that does interest them with the use of technology.


  1. I agree with April in that I learn alot better with hands on experience. I cannot just read something and comprehend it well. Schools should incorporate more hands on experiences in my opinion. I do like how it said that standarized test should be based on childrens interest.

  2. I agree also with April also. I learn a lot better with hands on experience. It is very hard for me to sit there and read something and comprehend it. I think that hands on should be incorporated a lot more.
    Britan Dickey

  3. Hands on experience, I feel can improve learning. Most people do learn better by just reading while others learn by getting involved. I personally cannot stand when a teacher just reads off a powerpoint or reads straight from a book. I feel that teachers should be involved with the class by talking TO them. Basically have a conversation with them. I think this improves learning tremendously.
