Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chapter 7 What May Be Lost and What May Be Gained

This chapter discusses the benefits and possible detriments that could be caused by the use of technology. The author refers to it as the gains and losses.
The chapter begins with the visions of Thomas Jefferson and Horace Mann who believed that education could be used to improve citizenship and assimilate society into a common culture.

Modern theorist point out what could be gained or lost by the use of technology


•Cultural zones could be established that isolates groups based on their personal beliefs
•Reduction in diversity
•Isolation of individuals as they become attached to their devices rather than interaction with humans
•Disparity among socioeconomic groups who have access to technology and those who do not


•Learning will become more engaging due to commercialization
•Education can be more customized to meet individual learners’ needs and abilities
•Technology makes access to knowledge more assessable
•Competition is diminished as technology equalizes the knowledge base


  1. In this chapter I agree that technology has its benefits and disparities. Interaction with each other is the most important factor in being able to maneuver in this world. Workforce interviews will never become technology based because that interaction is needed to see what a person is really made of. Being sociable can not be taught through technology. Outside of being social, it can engage the learning aspect and make things more interesting. If I had technology while taking my history courses where I was able to interact and learn, then I would have had better grades because I am a visual and hands on learner. The traditional class setting should not be taken away. Instead it should be enhanced by the use of technology.

    -A. Johnson

    1. I believe in todays society, we rely ALOT on technology. We do still learn from it and it helps with everyday life. I believe with myself, technology has improved my grades. I do not know where I would be without my computer (google). I do believe however, that it does make us rely on it too much. It makes us lazy. Most people have not used an encyclopedia or library in forever because of technology.

  2. I also agree that there are pros and cons in the growth in technology. I am a big advocate of social interaction. I also believe that the more reliant we become on technology and its conveniences, we loose the ability to mentally enhance in certain skills. I do understand that technology was designed to enhance and assist, never to replace. It solely depends on the user of technology, how it should affect the user. Amelia Mosley
