Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chapter 10
Rethinking Education in a Technological World

The synopsis for education has evolved over the years.   In the past the perception of one’s success depended on the amount of education they have acquired, but recently there has been a shift in the success dependency on education.  Today many people are receiving the education, but many other factors are now affecting the rule of success.   Today the equality for top education to learners suffers for many reasons and therefore the success factor for many individuals may lack.   What kind of technical strategies can be implemented so that education is accessible to everyone in the society, regardless of their economical status?  How can the have and the have-not’s obtain the same amount of education to help foster each one’s success?  These are very important questions that need an answer worldwide.

At one time, the children relied solely on the teachers for information, but now technology has made knowledge available outside of the one source volume, the teacher.  Although we each received the beginning of education in a traditional classroom setting, we can now enter the broad scope of learning with different technology.  Rethinking education has liberated us globally to become a storehouse of knowledge without being bound to the traditional classroom.  For example, social networking can also filter learning styles, but at the same time we have to bring the older generation up to speed of new ways of learning.  It’s easier for a fifth grader to use computers, laptops, Ipads, and tablets, because this is there era of technology, its now introduced in the schools.  However, the older generation must now learn how to operate this new technology.  Rethinking education now includes the older generation as well as the younger generation.

What foster’s our children to learn will also maximize their motivation to learn.  How do we motivate our children to learn the basics of education such as: math, reading, and English seeing there are so many distractions, we call them.  Incorporating video games to teach these basics can be a catalyst to the learning process.  

 The world must rethink education, how we learn, and how it will influence our career, and how we will transition for learning to work, and what kind of leader will we become in the future.  The education of our children is no longer left to the parent but the government has played a major role in children receiving adequate education.  The No Child Left Behind was developed to ensure that children received “equality” of education.  “Parents, citizens, teachers, school leaders, and technology leaders needs to collaborate on how to bridge the gap in creating new opportunities to learn.

Amelia Mosley


  1. Yes at one time the student use to rely on the teacher for all the answer to the questions the student had. Now the student is able to go online to google and ask a question and get the answer. A student can even go on a social networking site and get the answer.
    Britan Dickey

  2. I would say that technology is shaping the teachers role as being asked for answers now because some have become comfortable in their learning by leaning on technology to help them. This is good, but it should not criple teachers. Teachers should still be able to answer some questions without technology.

    1. I agree with April, students are really reliant on technology. why not GOOGLE the answer? I feel as if this is a crutch to students and depreciates learning. Education is changing just as technology is evolving
